17th Oct 2013

Mosaic Creations (P6-7)

Poster Designs for Anti-Bullying Week (P6-7)

Properties of Triangles (P6-7)

A Day in the Life of a Viking (P4-5)

Fly-on-the-wall Poetry (P6-7)

Using Imagination (P4-5)

Winter Wonderland Scenes (P1-3)

Winter Wonderland Scenes (P6-7)

Learning about the Vikings (P4-5)

Hopeful Candidates (P6-7)

Meet the imaginary Mozteks (P6-7)

A Precious Resource (P6-7)

P6 Easter Card Designs

Capturing Still Life (P6-7)

Meet the Iron Man (P4-5)

Christmas Clay Decorations (P6-7)

Christmas Wrapping Paper Designs (P6-7)

Charcoal Scenes (P6-7)

Viking Scenes using 2D Shapes (P4-5)

Storytelling (P1-3)

About Me (P6-7)

People Who Help Us in School (P4-5)

Self Portraits (P1-P3)

Still Life: using ICT and first hand drawing (P6-7)

Reaching our Goals (P4-5)

Creating Toys for Tizzy's Toy Box (P1-3)

Christmas Clay Ornaments (P6-7)

P7 Easter Card Designs
Portaferry Integrated Primary School, High Street, Portaferry, Co Down, BT22 1QU | E-mail:nallen400@c2kni.net Tel: 028 4272 8523 | Fax: 028 4272 8523