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Portaferry Integrated Primary School, Portaferry

After School - Irish Dancing


P1 - P3 - Irish Dancing; every Tuesday 2 - 3 pm.




After School-Gardening Club

P1-7 children have been enjoying the Gardening Club.

After School-Art Club


Art Club have been busy making bracelets to sell at our Christmas Craft Fair. A big thank you to Mollie, Julie and Megan for all their help


After School Lego Club


P1-3 Children have been enjoying building and making lots of different building and vehicles in their lego club. 


After School Sports


P4-7 children have enjoyed learning how to play rounders and football on Mondays afterschool.


After School ICT Club


Afterschool ICT is on every Tuesday 3pm-4pm. The Children have been enjoying using J2easy to create their own pictures and animations.